Affilaite (Pro-Staff) Program

As a growing small family owned business, we often receive inquiries about how someone can become a Knotty Boys Fishing Affiliate. We are currently looking for 10 anglers to represent our Brand. If interested here's how...

What is an Knotty Boys Fishing Affiliate (Pro-Staff)?

  • Affiliates are personally selected representatives that reflect the values and vision of Knotty Boys Fishing, LLC. Representatives are expected to share our content and provide there own through various mediums to help effectively market our products.
  • This is an incentive based opportunity where the Affiliate is compensated with either store credit or percentages of profit from sales generated. Each term is negotiated individually with each affiliate.

  • Affiliate Members are expected to be passionate about the products that we sell  These positions exist for the sole purpose to promote our Knotty Boys Fishing while rewarding you, the angler Affiliate.

What an Affiliate Member is not

  • A lot of casual anglers that aspire to be Pro Staff Team Members thinking that it is about promoting themselves by having a company attached to them, giving a sense of legitimacy that propels ego.

  • You need to love the products so much that you are willing to take the time talking to anyone that will listen to you about them. Potential customers and current customers see right through disingenuous content.

What is expected of an Affiliate Member?

  • Share our social media posts. This is tracked
  • Tag us in your social media posts. This is tracked
  • Articulately write content about Knotty Boys Fishing for your own social media.
  • Effectively create video and photographic social media content promoting our products and brand. 
  • Accomplished enough as angler to provide content that not just talks about our product but explains why they are effective.
  • Have the self awareness, verbal and social skills necessary to effectively communicate to customers.

Rewards for being an Affiliate Member

  • Rewards, it is simple, it is based on the amount of deliverables provided.
  • If you exceed our expectations then we will be more than generous with your rewards. This is not about what you feel you deserve as much as it is about how well you perform. 

Minimum Qualifications

  • 18 years of age or older
  • Can effectively read, write, and verbally communicate
  • Have an established means of promoting our products
    • Youtube Channel
    • Social Media Pages
    • Website
    • Blog
    • Podcast

Rules of Conduct

1. Be Aware- No Politics
Your politics are none of our business.  Our politics are none of your business. We are not in business for your politics.  Any public endorsement or public statements in regards to politics while using the Knotty Boys Brand is prohibited. This is a big deal breaker and we have zero tolerance in regards to this rule.
2. Be Loyal- Promotion of other retail shop brands
The promotion of other retail shop brands that are similar to ours is prohibited. Refusal to remove content from competitor retail stores will result in immediate dismissal from the Affiliate program. 
3. Be Truthful
Yes, the perception of anglers is that we all lie.  We like to embellish the size of our latest catch, we might skirt around being 100% truthful on where we caught our fish to protect our spots.  Those are unavoidable and not grievous acts of dishonesty. If people spot the little lies, they will assume everything you say is a lie. Just be honest in the content you provide us and your followers.
4. Positive Attitude
The challenges of the world are hard enough.  We don't need to complicate it with negative attitudes.  Maintaining a positive and fun image is what our brand is all about. 
5. Be a Good Human
This includes treating others with respect, being helpful when needed, be a steward for the environment, and an ambassador for the angling community. 


Still Interested? If so, complete the form below and we will reach out if your brand reflects ours. In the Angler Profile/Resume section be sure to include where you fish, how you fish, what products and brands you use, tournaments you fish, any success you have had, and MOST important your SOCIAL media FOLLOWING.